Disaster Assistance

When a disaster strikes the foundation uses your donations to the Disaster Assistance Fund (DAF) to help–100% of funds donated go exclusively to declared disasters for assistance.

If you or your area are affected, the Disaster Assistance Fund (DAF) provides help in the event of a natural or man-made disaster declared by the local, state, or Federal government, or the District Governor or Foundation President.

Assistance is available directly to a Kiwanian or a Kiwanis family, or to support Kiwanis club projects assisting with disaster relief efforts in their communities.

Guidelines for Requesting Assistance


  1. Assistance shall be consistent with the Six Objects of Kiwanis.
  2. Assistance is limited to one time per project or per Kiwanis family per disaster.
  3. Multiple requests from a Kiwanis club in any 30-day period will be considered; however,
    consideration will first be given to Kiwanis clubs applying for the first time in the initial 30 days.
  4. If the club already spent money on a project, include copies of your receipts as part of the
    application’s project budget.
  5. Assistance is limited to the amount available in the Disaster Assistance Fund.
  6. If assistance is approved for a Kiwanis club project, The Kiwanis club shall
    • Furnish the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation with an assistance and funds expenditure report within 30 days of completion of the project. This report shall include photos and video clips, if available, copies of all promotional materials (newsletter articles, website posts, etc.) and other data related to the assistance received. Failure to report will result in disqualifying your club for future assistance.
    • Acknowledge assistance from Capital Kiwanis and the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation in all public relations notices. If posting to social media, on your website mention https://k03.site.kiwanis.org/foundation/ and https://capitaldistrictkiwanis, and on Facebook mention @capitaldistrictkiwanisfoundation and @capitaldistrictkiwanis.
